Monday, 12 May 2014

Commissions Unit- Reflection

I think working with Aimee on this project was a good idea, we may have had our differences but we both wanted the project to be the best it could and without her I don't think it would be as good as it is. There are some bad parts but working together over all made a project that I am happy with.

After handing in my work I found some faults with the sound on the YouTube version. Part of when the interview is being held there is a second quieter voice in the back ground. I think that I should have produced the script a lot earlier then I did, since there was a delay in the script it delayed the project being edited which then put more pressure on Aimee. I also should have helped Aimee more with editing as at points I think she could have done with the help. I found it very difficult to write the commentary for the script, I needed a lot of help to write the script from Helen as I just couldn't get a handle on it but hopefully it is better then when I first started.

I think sharing some of the work in the production and pre-production side has made it harder for me and Aimee to find defined positions such as director. But then by myself not looking at the footage it was over exposed and if I had looked at the work I might have been able to point out the issues with exposure and shaky camera work.

During the interview for the Salvation Army I should have asked more questions and got more footage but on the day we agreed that it was enough footage, but during this I was distracted in talking to the contributor. During the filming of the "Jane" interview I should have decided on more shots for the camera to get.

Commissions Unit- Script 9

While editing we found some issues with the commentary which I then had to change in the script. 

Friday, 9 May 2014

Commissions Unit- Commentary

This is the commentary that I gave to Aimee to record for our documentary, while reading it I changed some of the commentary to the original. 

Commissions Unit- Social Services

This is a letter I have made for the film for a illustration match to when our contributor 'Jane' talks about identity checking. 

Commissions Unit- Production Title

While looking into our production title we decided we wanted images to go behind our name title of "Roxmee" the combination of our names. We looked into colourful images that might make it look a bit different. The image would appear after a transition of our names are combined. 

Commissions Unit- Contributors request

Kevin Jennings, the warehouse manager at the food banks Medway requested that they could have some information and a picture of our group to go on their Facebook site. This is the email I sent them for Facebook. 

Here hopefully is a photo of Aimee and I attached. 


Aimee Saunders and Roxanne Meats, studying Television Production at the University for the Creative Arts.
We are producing a documentary called "My Hero", after doing some research on the Food Bank network set up by Trussell Trust we decided we would like to make our documentary about the good work that the Food Banks do. 

I'm not sure what other information you could need, hopefully this is enough and hopefully the photo is nice enough.

Thank you for all the help, 
Roxanne Meats"

Commissions Unit- Editing

At the moment Aimee is editing the documentary and has asked with a bit of help with some ideas here and there. I decided I would go back over a BBC 3 documentary to look at the editing style. The Truth About Magaluf is the documentary that I am looking at for the example. They are quick edits and have small pauses, music is used and no transitions are present.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Commissions Unit- Research

While talking to Andrei we discussed using Lynda to help with my understand of documentary. He showed me a few "courses" I could use and look into.

  • Video Journalism Storytelling Techniques with Jeff Sengstack 
  • Video Journalism Shooting Techniques with Jeff Sengstack 
  • The Art of Video Interviews with Richard Harrington and Amy DeLouise 
  • Foundations of Video: Interviews with Anthony Q. Artis

Commissions Unit- Script 8

Hopefully this is the last script, the rest of the edits of the documentary will be edit based, the script may be updated but not changed.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Commissions Unit- Script 6

Commissions Unit- News

While creating commentary for the documentary I decided to read a few more current news stories;

The Mirror
The story in the Mirror is about children having to turn to food banks during easter. The article provides some statistics about Trussell Trust and the amount of parcels handed out.

This article has the Mirror exploring food banks, stating that the UK has food banks even though the economy is the 6th richest. 

The article produced on the BBC website, talks about the dramatic increase in the need for food banks. 

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Commissions Unit- Facts

While looking into the Trussell Trust, I was looking at the facts I have in the script and looking for more I came across a document that I decided would help with fact checking. 

Commissions Unit- Script 5

This is the current script that I am working on, after working with Helen on script 4, the script did not seem to have a good order.

Commissions Unit- Images

These are a few images taken from the internet on news websites for the documentary to illustrate parts of the documentary.


Commissions Unit- Test shots

These are the shots created the day before the interview by Aimee and edited by me.

Commissions Unit- BBC 3 documentary

BBC documentary-

  • Presenter- by a person with a story linked to the issue in the documentary 
  • Interviews
  • Dramatic music 
  • Emotional
  • Presenter 
  • Titles on screen, with the people saying the words
  • Case Study
  • CCTV  Footage 
  • Facts 

Commissions Unit- Post it note

While using post-it notes to work out where all my work fits in I have used word to help me not lose the post-it notes.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Commissions Unit- Paper work

These are the consent forms from the shoot at the ware house which are for cut aways. 01.05.14

Commissions Unit- Paper Work

These are the forms from the shoot on the 2.5.14, with 'Jane' I have covered her name but I have the consent form under the risk assessment form. 

Commissions Unit- Interview Transcript

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Commissions Unit- Script Food Banks 3

After going over the current edit with Aimee we decided this was the order of the documentary until tomorrow when we get the next interview filmed.

Commissions Unit- Disclosures

While looking into an explanation for the audience to why our interviewee does not want to be identified we looked at different disclosures we could use, we decided on "This person has chosen to keep their identity anonymous for personal reasons". 

Commissions Unit- Interview final