Main characters:
Job-Maintenance Engineer for the Hilton Hotel
Family- One brother, two parents, a ex-wife and a son.
Personality- Kind, Smart, Reliable.
Back story (highlights)-
After having problems while serving a tour in Afghanistan he left his military career. He came back a different person and this lead to his divorce from his wife Jessica, his son Bradley lives with Jessica in the house him and his wife shared. Jed now stays in a room provided by the Hilton Hotel where he works in Swindon. He attended AA meetings with his younger bother Peter as to make sure he was on a full recovery, this is where he met James Johnson during a convention he was running and then later at a AA meeting with is brother. Jed was taken in with the charismatic man, Jed believed that the community that James Johnson would except him for the person he had become.
Job-Sales Advisor for T-Mobile
Family- One brother, two parents and a nephew
Personality- Easily lead, aggressive, can be known to act out for attention, does not feel that he fits in his family dynamic, although always wants to be around his brother and nephew.
Back story (highlights)-
A recovering alcoholic that can not keep down a job for long due to his alcoholism, he joined the commune with his brother to feel that he belongs in a group after meeting James Johnson at a AA meeting held at the hotel Jed works at in Swindon. Peter had never been religious before meeting James Johnson but the charismatic leader provided a goal for Peter that did not end at the bottom of a bottle, it ended in Heaven with his brother.
James Johnson-
Job- Self proclaimed prophet
Personality- Charismatic, confident, acts omnipotent (all knowing), can be aggressive when feels his way of life questioned or threatened.
A charismatic person that started a commune because he believes he can create a better life style for all that follows him. Therefore all believers will be accepted into heaven. He pitches his new lifestyle and commune idea at AA meeting, churches and conventions often held at hotels.