Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Digital News- Workshop research

During the workshop today we had to look at a press release from the education sectary in reference to graduates who train to teach and the advantages to attract high grading graduates to becoming teachers. They have released the press release to attract those who have studied 'academic' subjects.
The government have created a advertisement film that features a teacher known from educating essex. This advertises how teachers can affect other peoples lives and create people into careers, such as nurses.

As a press release the government would have mocked up the document and created to serve an agenda for the government, the agenda seems to be to get graduates to go towards a teaching career with their chosen subject.

While looking at the tag line for the news we decided that we could look at it from an angle that does not appeal to the governments advertisement. We decided the tag line would be; "25,000 for top graduates to become teachers while nurses are denied a 1% pay rise."
We are then looking into the when, where, who, how and why. We decided we would look at the press release we were given and then make a separate section for what we would like to show and write about in our script.

While Andrei is looking into the information about teaching I have decided to look at information about the nursing union and their statements that con-side with the 1% pay rise denial. The Unison is one of the largest unions in the UK, it is the union for nurses and therefore represents nurses. I have decided to get most of my information on the pay reform from this website. 

From the website I managed to find some good quotes that can be used in our script that we need to create. I have found that Christina McAnea is the Unison head of health care. 

After looking at the Unison fro health care I decided to look into the teachers union and came across NASUWT- I went onto the website to look into their opinion of standards at schools as that directly relates to the governments press release, the government claim that if graduates became teachers that it would raise the standard of teaching and build a stronger economy. 
The union believe that the way towards change is to take industrial action, 'standing up for standards'. 

Andrei and I are looking at breaking down the story into sections and then writing the script. 

We are looking into graduates as that is the main focus for the story and how much they are paid to do the jobs they would have originally looked at and then how much they would have for starter salary. 

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