Friday, 5 December 2014

Digital News- Short descriptions

For the digital news we needed to create short descriptions to be used under the video on the website.
These are the descriptions I have come up with so far.
Apple has released a U2 album on iPhones across the world, all iTunes subscribers were given this album on their iCloud. The album Songs of Innocence was transferred to iPhones on the release of the iPhone 6 with U2 present to play a live set. This has not overall had a positive reaction as some iPhone users are left wondering how the album was put onto their devices without their knowledge.

This has lead to a question in whether Apple has crossed the line in breaching their consumers privacy. U2 later apologised for this oversight, they had good intentions that were not best received.

This story refers to the new phenomenon affecting a generation that rely on the internet, there has always been an issue of bullying but it has now taken a new form, it has moved on to the internet and anonymity has helped those ‘trolls’ to offend other internet users.

This has become an issue of safety for internet users, as it can be said that they are put in a danger of being cyber-bullied but now also threatened by those that may have never even met them.

The government are now stepping in to update the law in reflection of the world and the times. It can be said that the abuse spreads across the internet if in person was expressed then it would count as verbal assault, this has raised the question for years that ‘trolls’ should be punished in the same way that an verbal assault will be.

We have consulted councillors and online charities that often deal with these issues and have been able to create some simple steps to help keep you safe online.

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