Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Pre-Production- Case Study Doc Martin

While looking into where I would like for my show to be broadcast I decided to do a case study on a Television Program that would be similar to the program that I am trying to achieve with my adaptation. I decided to look into Doc Martin, although this is not a crime drama, it is however a program that has comical elements while being serious.

By looking at how the structure of Doc Martin is (the intertwining story lines) I should be able to apply a similar idea to my script. The only difference is the length of Doc Martin without adverts is around 44 mins, the script I am creating is the length of 90 mins.

The show has a few elements that also relate to my script such as reoccurring characters, story lines that run along each other, interesting characters and similar settings.

Doc Matin brings in the target audience of between 16-34, they have been one of ITV's most popular TV shows from 2011. An  Digital Spy article shows the audience that was brought in from September this year.

Pre-Prodction- Audience

With my adaptation I want to expand a pre-made fan base, the fan base of the books seem to be people that would be able to relate to the character, in this case a middle-aged women. These reviews help to view some of the readers views-
There are more reviews of the book available- Good Reads

The Target audience of Doc Martin in the time slot of 9pm Monday which is the same time slot I will be aiming for is according to Broadcast Now
16-34 is around the age group of the books, by changing the book into a television program I can expand an already audience. 

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Pre-Production- ITV

While looking at the type of program I am trying to create I decided to chose ITV 1 as the channel that would be appropriate for my program. I based this on looking at the current programs that ITV 1 broadcast, the program I am looking to produce has elements of humour and is serious.

 ITV don't often create 90 min programs but they have been made before as specials, most recently they released a 90 min episode of Downton Abby, although they have stated that the first episode of the last series is the last to be 90 mins.

I would not have the same slot of times for Downton Abby, I would more pick a program that matches my genre. Such as Doc Martin, that airs new on ITV, Monday 9pm. But does repeat regularly during the week. 
Monday at 9pm I would be competing with; 
The other main channels that I would be competing with have serious shows that are mostly reality. Doc Martin in this schedule is offering something different in the Monday night slot. I think that my Television show could also fill in the slot of something with humour and serious. 

ITV also make a few Drama programs that are 3 parts, midwinter spirit, these are put at a time of 9pm- 10pm Wednesdays- 
This show is competing with- 
On all of the competing channels Wednesday at 9pm seems to be the hard drama slot. 

Although they have specials, I don't think that a Wednesday night would not be a good time slot for my program, as it is not a hard-hitting drama.