Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Digital News- Troll stories

Here is another Troll story from Fox news in which I want to watch to see how they report on trolls and what language they use i.e. menacing, lurking, online cruelty, sometimes they go to far.

They start with lots of cuts and parts of the story that they are going to show and then move on to the YouTube videos with people expressing their opinions on trolls. They then use a case study in which the girl says about what she personally thinks a troll is. Using references as professional trolls and that trolling is just part of the internet landscape. It feels like the anchors are saying things instead of the case study implying that they did not get her to say what they needed. Ending with what should you do if you are trolled.

Here is another story from Sky News about trolling.

They set the story off straight away in front of the women they are questioning, they launch into questioning about the Twitter account and the 'trolling' that she had done, they confront her on the actions she has taken. They move on to graphics of the Twitter accounts, and the abuse that is aimed at the Mccanns, they highlight some of the Twitter quotes. They move on through the case study into how different people are trolling. They move onto legal action, they also almost advertised the book produced about the Mccanns. They use the reporter to go through the Twitter comments, he has physical copies of the Twitter comments. They use the reference of if the people were to shout these things in the street that the police would get involved.

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