Sunday, 24 April 2016

Major Project- Screening Guests

For the screening we have many people coming to the screening as we have over 300 seats, meaning 300 guests, therefore that the list needed to be detailed. This lead me to creating a guest list that was cross referenced with the tickets purchased.

The website EventBright sends notifications every time a ticket is purchased, this email includes, the type of ticket, the name of the registered person and the email that they registered with. With this information I have created a guest list, I have requested that producers get the tickets for their actors, they register the actors name but get the tickets sent to their email. This is to make sure that the producers have control of how many tickets are booked for people.

The guest list hopefully is detailed enough so that someone on the door is able to keep track of how many people they let into the theatre.

Most of the correspondents with the rest of the year group have been through Facebook, I made sure that I explained in detail what needed to be done. 

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    In recent years, there has been a large shift away from clients working with ad agencies and instead going directly to the production company. Why? Because it cuts out the middle man. This way the client can work directly with the business that provides the professional media videography needed to make successful marketing videos. Remember the “fee” the ad agencies tack on top of the work done. In some cases this can be a very large sum of money when its typically a percentage of the total spend. We aren’t talking thousands of dollars but hundreds of thousands to create truly great videos and media. Its not unheard of to have 6 figure budgets for these productions. As a client, going directly to the media production company allows that budget to go much further or to reach different market segments with media buys. SA STUDIOS and New York Video Production, has found some really good success with offering corporate marketing groups professional video capabilities the internal marketing business isn’t focused on or capable to pull off. Below is some of the latest video advertisements we have created.


    This is by no means a comprehensive list, but for our purposes and especially in New York or Fort Worth, , the business of offering services worth the price tag come down to having the right team. New York Video Production studios specializing in services worth the price tag are few and far between. There are other New York companies who make CRM videos or specialize in internet based training videos. We want to be one of the only New York businesses focused on offering the big client with services worth the price tag by providing incredible value unlike this next sentence which has little value like corporate marketing speak: Our company promotes powerful training, productions and films with aerial studios able to blare big jobs to build identity in a videographer who specializes in serving hot fire to frozen fish. Yes, serving powerful aerial frozen fish.
