Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Major Project- Screening Meeting

The second official screening meeting was lead by Simon, this meeting was to establish how far as a class we had gotten. With the location secured for the amount of time it is, this means the starting time has to be brought forward to 17:30, this could pose an issue for parents that work but most of the students have said this may not be an issue.

As previously stated a running order has been created-

  • Roadman 
  • Mark
  • I Pull The Strings
  • Andrei
  • Sunday League 
  • Hannah 
  • Grit
  • Sam 
  • SeiKay 
  • Downstage 
We have also been tasked with finding our ushers, so far I have only 2 but Laura has said that she will help me to recruit more people. 

The program that is being created by Ruby Rogers now has colours, a running order and soon will have the information from each of the groups.

Posters have been discussed with Mark, he is still waiting on a few people to send him official pictures and he is currently working on a poster for the Screening its self. 

Tickets have gone live on event bright, they are being controlled by myself. The current system is that each producer books the tickets for the actors and then sends the pdf's of the tickets to the actors. The students will be booking their own tickets online. A guest list is also being arranged by myself. 

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