Tuesday 15 October 2013

Story Telling Unit- Escaping a cult research

A documentary telling of how two families had different cult experiences but both horrifying. Do not watch if you get upset easily. There is child abuse involved so some viewers may find upsetting. I have written an overview for those who would like to know what it is about.

Brett is a man in a cult that's based on the idea of Polygamy. The leader of the cult abused children and kicked men out as he saw them as competition. Brett was abused in the cult but when he left he realised along with his brother that they were not the only ones to be abused, this caused his brothers suicide. Brett's older brother died of a drug over dose after leaving the cult. Brett sued Warren Jeffs for rape, he won the law suit, many law suits were then put in place by other former members. Warren Jeffs is now on the run for not coming to court, he was captured two years after a warrant was put out. At court Warren stood out of the room when Brett was on the stand in court. Warren is serving life in prison.

Rebekkah and Maura became part of a cult made by Lila and Jim Green, this cult wanted to control all of their lives and imbedded thoughts such as "doubt comes from the devil". The cult in Jim and Lila's eyes was God's army.
Rebekkah is a women brought up in a cult, she snapped out of the "brainwashing" when she was told to spank her young child. This caused her to leave the cult with her child and find her mother who had been previously kicked out. She left with her assigned husband, she believed that they could not have their own thoughts their for up until the point of leaving.
Maura, the mother of Rebekkah that had been treated very badly sued the leaders of the cult and won, they then tore down there compound. Children were beaten in the cult due to the Green's view that children should not make noise and should be beaten if they do so. The Green's still lead the Aggressive Christianity Missions Training Corps.

While watching this I have managed to find some idea's of brainwashing and how it can happen. Also how people can be influenced by fear that they may not go to Heaven. Such quotes as "love bombing" as a way of brain washing, "doubt comes from the devil" imposing the idea that doubting the cult that can cause you harm is letting the devil take over you. This documentary also tells of techniques of breaking a person such as not providing much sleep to the people as to help control how they think and what they do. The documentary also shows how a compound helps the leaders control their followers, they can portray that the rest of the world has the devil where as those in the compound can go to heaven.

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