Thursday 5 February 2015

Professional Practice- Dissertation Proposal Research 1

For my Dissertation Proposal I would like to look at the obsession and glorification of serial killers in television. To do this not only do I need to find books for quotes but I need to look into what is already out there and also a question that I could answer in the dissertation. 

I googled Serial Killers on TV one of the websites came up with these few shows that include serial killers-

This is an article I found that was written on a magazine website- 
This article talks about how shows such as Dexter glorify the serial killers and how audiences now sympathise with the serial killer instead of thinking of them as a person who is a murder. The rest of the article- Runner Mag

While looking towards critics of TV I found articles about Producers of the shows defending them selves- 
Here is a quote from the article-
"We're not glorifying serial killers," said Reilly. "Clearly, there is an appetite. Let’s just say that for a fact. People like these things. That is the business we’re in, providing things that people like."
The article implies that they are just giving the audience what they want, therefore they are not glorifying anything. 

Here is a report I found from YouTube produced by BBC 4; 

It talks about how the news makes the issues blown out of proportion. Making everything look like more of an issue then it really is. The program focuses on the way the news talks about incidents and what they pick to show and what they have decided not to look at.

This is another article talking about serial killer shows and how their popularity is rising- 

Other television programs think that Murder is Infectious?- This is based on research suggesting a pattern in violence. 

Other articles support with statistics that serial killers can be made out of television binge watching-
In the article it is able to give examples of people that have been said to be inspired to kill from television- 

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